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Cool design and smart technologies for hotels 3.0

If there’s one thing coronavirus didn’t have to teach us, it’s that people increasingly feel a need to communicate with one another irrespective of where they are in the world, both for private and professional reasons. Owning a mobile device has become a matter of course, and you expect all sorts of objects to form networks within the Internet of Things no matter where you are, including in hotels/and hotels are no exception.

At the same time, however, a growing need for more cosiness and new services has been identified. Simply put, you’d like to enjoy the level of comfort you’re used to at home, while on the move. That said, you would by no means want to miss out on all the mod cons of a modern workspace anywhere.

A study conducted by the Frankfurt Institute for the Future (Zukunftsinstitut) revealed that all over the world, conventional services and offers provided by the hotel industry are being re-thought, re-defined and re-designed, starting from urban “refuges for the nomads of the global creative class” via a range of holistic, health-oriented hotels to cool eco-friendly countryside hideaways. (Zukunftsinstitut, Oona Horx-Strathern, 2016)
Smart solutions don’t just benefit hotel guests – new features can also facilitate the work of hotel staff, increase efficiency and help reduce costs.